
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Yay!!! He passed the examination~

Congratulations to you bae... *Hugs Hugs*

P/s : You are very very very very lucky this year kan??.. hopefully next year lg byk tuah...!!

Congratulations Again Baby~...

Thursday, December 08, 2011


Kamu pernah jumpa atau pernah mengalami atau pernah berdepan dgn orang yang tersangatlah DESPERATE ka?.. selama sy hidup ni la kan.. macam ni kali laa sy btl2 baru jumpa org se-desperate mcm perempuan 1 org ni...I want to mentioned her name here bcoz i know she will read this.. but, baik nda payah laa...haha

sy sebenarnya tidak mo buat ni post tp memandangkan ada cerita best tuk dikongsikan.. tdk juga salah..hahaha... sy heran juga wujud pula org bgini ni di dunia.. sanggup ba dia reka cerita itu ini..ckp yg bukan2 ni.. mcm la sy ni buduh sangat.. lama sdh dia suka cari pasal dgn sy actually tp sy ni jenis yg malas mo layan org bgtu... biarlah dia mo buat apa... janji dia bahagia... selagi sy masi ada kesabaran laa... then, few months before this.. mgkn dia sedar kali secara tiba2 ni yg dia slama ni suka kacau org cari pasal sm sy.. pandai lah dia say sorry juga ni..kalah ba gadis paling ayu cara dia bercakap.. siap nangis2 lg baa tu minta sorry... sy lagi ni jenis yg x suka berdendam and malas simpan dalam hati.. org sdh minta maaf kan... xsalah la juga kita terima kemaafan dia tu... Forgive and Forget ba kan? tapi, masalahnya ni... skrg tiba2 lagi dia macam mo mula sdh aktiviti dia tu balik.. mcm nda senang kali dia duduk kalu nda cari pasal ni...lagi2 dgn sy...

macam2 cara dia buat tuk kasi sakit hati sy.. tp macam besa la juga sy buat tidak tahu ja... jan dilayan org bgtu.. bikin sengsara perasaan sja... tp kan.. makin di biar makin aktif pula dia sy rasa... last week, yesterday and tonite.. ada 3 different number yg x nama ni msg sy.. memberitahu cerita2 yg lapuk sdh ni... menyamar la konon... siap mentioned2 nama... create nama yg pelik2 spaya org nda kenal mgkn... dia sangka sy tergugat la kunun dia buat gtu...plsss laaa... I DONT GIVE A DAMN pun... kalu ko rasa ko enjoy buat gtu.. buat saja... cuma tu la... skrg sy masi boleh bersabar... jan sampai tahap kesabaran sy melampaui batas sdh... hehehehe... sy diam2 ni bukan sebab takut.. tp WASTING MY TIME mo layan orang giloon.... bagus lg sy kasi makan tu binatang2 sy piara sna FACEBOOK..kasi gumuk dorang.. puas lagi hati sy... bagus kalu budak2 lagi yg buat ni hal.. boleh dikategorikan dlm org2 KERTU sdh ba tu... 

orang begini ni banyak masa terluang sy rasa ba ni... bagus kamu kasi cadang dia apa dia boleh buat tuk mengisi masa terluang dia tu... hahahaaa...paling ngam..suruh dia buat novel.. sure one day kalu dia published tu NOVEL dia laku juga kali.. ada juga duit pendapatan dia... 


isshhh... ba sdh la.. malas la mo ckp ni sdh.. cukup ini sja sy mo share.. 

P/S : Pls improve ur TEMBIRANG skills... Ko jual tembirang ko sm orang yang penembirang juga ni..

Monday, November 07, 2011

"You've Been Tagged"

Hi there!

I've been tagged by my colleague A-me for this game. So, Iets play along. There's a few rules need to be followed.

**Just scroll down whether you've been tagged by me or not.. =P**

1st>>Terms and Conditions<<

1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

2nd>>Each Person Must Post 11 Things About Themselves in Their Journal<<

1. I'm a green lover. Most of my stuffs are green colour.
2. Interested in photography and still learning about it.
3. I hate/geli/takut Cicak sooooooo much. Especially the one yang warna Hitam..Yaii
4. I love to eat thats why I am so chubby and cute.
5. I don't wear makeups. Pakai bila perlu sahaja.
6. I love/like to sing but im not a really good singer.
7. I'm a good listener but not good in giving advice.
8. I love to cook when im in a good mood.(hahaha)
9. I love to change my nail colour every week.( If got time )
10. I can't live without music. Music is my friend whether in bad or good time. 
11. I was born on November, so my favourite and lucky number is 11.

3rd (a) >>Answer the Questions the Tagger Set For You in Their Post<<

1.The story and meaning behind your blog name.
↔ I choose "Pitot Fifiey" as my blog name because it was my name and everything i wrote in my blog is wat I feel, wat happen to me.↔

2. What is Your favourite LOVE quote?
↔ Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart ↔

3. Do you read? What is your favourite book?
↔ Yes, but im not a bookworm. I just love to read magazines↔

4. A place you wish to go.

5.Three things you want to say to three different peoples.
↔ My Parents >> I love you both and Happy 31st Annivesary (1st November 2011)↔
↔My Babe >> I love you so much, Bae↔
↔My BFFs >>Let's go for Karaoke darls.. i miss to hang out with you girls.↔

6. What is the best Love Story you ever watched?
↔Korean Drama>> Personal Taste

7. Seven things that cross your mind now?
↔ My bed because i got headache rite now
↔ McD because im hungry
↔ Money because my pocket is empty.
↔ My Nephew and Niece because I miss them so much
↔ original Tuaran Mee Goreng (craving for this food)
↔ Birthday gift for my bestie
↔ Cant wait to Balik Kampung

8. One thing you wish you can have right now.
↔ USD1 Million?? (dasar mata duitan)↔

9. Name something you dislike about the day you're having.

10. If the world were to end tomorrow, what will you do with your remaining time on earth?
↔ Spending my time with my families and love one ↔ 

11. Screenshot / PrintScreen Your Desktop

3rd (b) >> And Create 11 New Questions for the People You Tagged to Answer

1.What is your biggest FEAR?
2. What were you like when you were a kid?
3.When was the 1st time you had beer? Did something happened?
3.If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
4. Do you think that age difference is important when dating? Why?
5. Chinese Food? Malay Food? Indian Food? Which one you prefer? List 3 of your fav food.
6. What will you do if someone you trust from the beginning, lied to you?
7. If you could have lunch with 1 famous person, who will it be?
8. If you have to choose between Money, Fame and Freedom, what would you choose and why?
9. When was the first time you met with your BF? Can remember the date?
10. One song that reminds you of someone you really love.
11. A funny/crazy picture of you.

5th >> Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.

Friday, October 28, 2011


hahahahahaha... seriously till now I cant stop laughing when I look at this pic.. so Cute and Funny too..

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Move to a new Place

hahaha.. Big title MOVE to a new PLACE. macam la mo pindah rumah ka.. pindah tempat kerja ka..hihi.. sebenarnya sy PINDAH ni pindah tempat duduk sy di ofis ja.. kedudukan saja yg berubah ba..

kalu dulu sy duduk di bawah aircond. yang memang betul2 di bawah aircond yg 2 horsepower. hahaha... imagine la bagaimana kesejukan dia..selama hampir dua tahun sy duduk di bawah aircond yang sangat2 sejuk..akhirnya sy berpindah juga.

Laaaaama sdh sy kena bising suruh pindah oleh colleagues and even my Finance Manager suruh pindah juga tp sy biar sja ni.. bertahan konon di bawah aircond yg kuat..hahaha.. Nah, lama2 sendiri nda tahan..sepa juga sanggup tahan lg kan.. mo dua bulan sy sakit kepala saja..msti kes terlampau byk angin di kepala..tulah sakit kepala sja..huhu.. then kemarin sy p la skype sm Finance Manager sy minta permission mo pindah tmpat duduk.. begini kunun cerita kami..

[24/10/2011 15:14:07] Effilina: anthony, ask permision from you.. can i move in to eric's old place? everyday headache recently..
[24/10/2011 15:14:22] Anthony Yeoh: can
[24/10/2011 15:14:25] Anthony Yeoh: haha
[24/10/2011 15:14:28] Anthony Yeoh: tell u d
[24/10/2011 15:14:38] Anthony Yeoh: dun sit under air cond
[24/10/2011 15:15:12] Effilina: ya.. tomorow i move la..
[24/10/2011 15:15:19] Anthony Yeoh: ooh
[24/10/2011 15:15:20] Anthony Yeoh: ok

(kampung style punya english aa..hehe)

nah.. siap kena kasi ketawa lg aa.. ada tu "haha" dia..adeh...

So, today.. sy duduk sdh laa di tempat lama ex-officer sy... erm.. cuma yg nda siok ni tempat ada dinding..then rasa macam terkurung skit laa..nda sudah nmpk keadaan luar.. kalu drg ketawa2 sy lambat la pickup skit..sbb ada dinding menghalang...hahaha...

The Air Cond betul2 di atas tempat duduk lama sy..:P

View from my new place.. ada dinding penghalang..hahaha
Hopefully, sy selesa la duduk sini..macam ada juga mata2 sy tgk tu menjeling2 sy bila sy pindah masuk di dalam.. sy dapat baca tu pikiran tu..mesti dlm pikiran dia tu sy trip jadi boss sbb masuk dlm bilik yg ada dinding (sy pandai2 buat kesimpulan).... 

Aaaaahhhhh..biar lah ko mo pikir apa.. janji sy x sakit kepala... ko rasa la duduk di tempat sy tu kalu ko dpt bertahan... beku otak oo Jo!! hahahahaha......

Baa,demikian la cerita kosong sy. ^^.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Twilight : Breaking Dawn

Wohooo.. Getting excited..

X lama lagi mo keluar sdh ni movie d panggung..hehe..can't wait to watch this movie. sy ni bukan juga kaki wayang kalu ni wayang mmg sy tertunggu2..hahaha..

Actually, baru this year sy tgk ni wayang..dr yg Twilight sampai la Eclipse tu..haha.. tu pun atas desakan my colleague tuk tgk..if not mana la sy tau ni story..hahaha..kesian kan?..

I watched the movie in 1day..kasi abis tgk trus..hehe..skrg x sabar mo tggu tu Breaking Dawn.. tgk trailer dia td punya la best.. adidi...mo tau apa sudah kejadian dia ni..hehehe..

here's the trailer..

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailer

Cant wait for November... Wohooo!!.. Im getting excited..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lonely Saturday

Holla weekend!

Its been a long time sy tdk enjoy my weekend at home due to lots of work need to be done. and finally today im at home... RELAXING..^^.

At 1st i was thinking to do my OT today but since i woke up late at 8am and my colleagues ready to go to office oredy. so, I decided just stay at home and do my work at home saja.

Nothing to do di rumah actually.. saja mo rehat2 kan diri dan menjauhkan diri seketika dari ofis. Month of October really2 killing me..banyak kerja mo dibuat.. sampai boleh dikatakan 2weeks berjurut2 sakit kepala seja. Boleh gila juga tu.. =.=!

So activity yg dibuat di rumah ari ni just relaxing,cuci2 kain, watching TV and of course main masak2 then MAKAN!!..hahahaa... 

here's few photos for you guys tgk2...hahaha
Mihun Goreng Tuhau with Tauhu Goreng and Thai Sauce

Company's Lappy and TIGER

Eating Biskut Tiger

hehehe.. Mihun goreng tu masak sendiri tau.. 1st time ni kali goreng mihun dgn tuhau. sedap juga pula... next time boleh buat lagi selagi stock tuhau masi ada..hahahaha.. 

oh no. almost 430pm.. Got to go.. need to clean up my room.. macam tempat beranak kucing sdh.. sambil2 mengeluarkan peluh yg sudah lama tersimpan.hahaha...

till then. Bubye~

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jumaat yg Gila


Friday supposed to be siok baa.. Napa today ada saja something wrong. Bangun pagi ja sudah sakit kepala. Sampai ofis rasa lemah pula.. Mo bekerja pun tidak berdaya..Mood pun sudah mula macam lain2 sudah.. But still under control. 

Then cuba2 la tuk ambil mood mo buat kerja sudah. Nah, datang lagi masalah bila semangat mo kerja berkobar2 sudah. Hang sana sini ja smua yg kena click especially tu Excel. sampai terpaksa restart lappy 5x tp sama juga keadaan dia. Odoiieee...Entah apa masalah dia ni.. 

Bikin Stressssss.....................................................................

Secara nda langsungnya, my Friday rosak abis.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Salipar Jipun

SALIPAR JIPUN!! pantang nampak selipar jepun cantik and murah.. mesti kena beli punya..hahaha... aduii.. masi ada lagi dua selipar sy baru beli bulan lalu.. beli lagi yg ini.. x pa.. janji puas hati...:)

Boleh sudah ni buat Collection Selipar Jipun nanti.. mo kumpul dulu selipar2 jipun sy..hahahaa


hehe..finally... ~~~

looks like sticker ja kan kena lekat?..hahaha.. actually sy sendiri pun tdk percaya sy ada ni benda sudah di belakang sy... hehehe..

* gatal gatal skrg bila kulit sdh start kering* tahan saja la...hahahaa

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What Do You Think

Last saturday, I was at kedai makan having breakfast with my babe. Then I saw something yang menarik perhatian. hahaha. luckily that time I brought my Sony along so I took some pictures.

Wanna ask you guys one question. IF you are having breakfast/lunch/dinner with ur partner la kan di kedai makan.. macamana kedudukan kamu ketika itu( skema juga ayat)?hahaha..

maybe u understand wat im trying to say by looking at the pic below..

Position A : Berdepan dengan partner

Position B : Bersebelah dengan Partner (lain penjuru)

Position C : Bersebelahan dengan partner (sama penjuru)

hahahaaah..unik kan? FYI, smua ni dlm area kedai makan yg sama. kalau kamu, dlm kategori position mana kamu duduk?..hehehe..

actually it depends on keselesaan masing masing la ba kan?.. but for me, Position A would be more better la.. luas dan selesa lagi..makan pun tangan tdk berlanggar.. sambil2 tu makan boleh sambil2 tgk2 partner kita dgn senang..hahaha... Position B also better sbb tdk terlampau berjauhan.. senang mo hulur itu ini.. Tp, sy heran dlm Position C..hahaha.. seriously sangat2 heran..how come boleh duduk makan berdua dalam keadaan begitu?.tangan berlanggaran, sempit, nda selesa lg..hehe.. meja besar juga bukan teda ruang.. hmm..kalu ya pun loving couple, xkan time makan pun mo berkepit?.hahahaha..

Apapun position yg anda dan pasangan anda duduk............. janji selesa and bahagia..^.^


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Javier Colon

u guys watch The Voice TV Show?

sure u will know which one is Javier Colon..dang! his voice was so great!! You can search on youtube and see his video by your own. im sure u will be surprised.. this is my most fav video of Javier Colon. Hope u will enjoy!!

Stand By Me ~ Javier Colon ft Angela Wolff

Monday, September 19, 2011



Took some pictures last week.. Share with you guys here.. Hope you will like it.. :)

Labuan War Memorial Park

Ostrich at Labuan Birds park

The Chimney

Sunset taken from Peace Park Labuan

Labuan War Memorial Park

Pantai Mawilla Area

Labuan Botanical Garden

Birds Park

Birds Park

Duck @ Birds Park

Spesis @ Birds park

Birds Park

Another Sunset from Peace Park

Sunset.. ^_^

Saturday Sunset

all pictures were taken using my Sony A200 DSLR Camera and Samsung Galaxy ACE..

Saturday, August 06, 2011


Mixed Feeling...!!!

confused.. frustrated..in love..wondering..sad...happy...

i dont know how to handle this....:(

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

My Baby!!

Yeah!! Finally..i have my own DSLR..yeah!! biar pun bukan yg mcm sy idam2kan..at least masi boleh belajar pakai ni..hehe.. actually sy maw beli Nikon D3100..tp belum ada kesempatan maw p cari..lagipun $$$ selalu nda cukup..

Cukup beruntung and bertuah sdh sy dapat ni Sony Alpha A200 ni..my brother sold to me..hehe..alkisahnya begini, my brother suruh my youngest brother tnya2 kwn dia sepa maw beli DSLR dia..bila sy dgr, sy trus msg la my bro..haha..tnya and tawar menawar ni... my bro jual RM1370 (Body+Lense 18-70mm+Lense 70-300mm with 4GB  MMC) without bag.. tnya la cuba2 nasib kunun..sy maw beli...how much he can offer me.. Since sy ni his Beloved Sister(perasan)..he said RM1000 seja..tambah lg dengan bag!! wah..sepa nda maw..ambil trus la...hahaha... and he agreed with me can bayar bulan bulan..hahaha..PEMBAYARAN ANSUR ANSUR...

*Gambar diambil menggunakan handphone i-mobile sahaja* (^_^)v

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Dieting : How to Make a Weight-Loss Drink From Apple Cider Vinegar

hehe..ni sebenarnya sy dpt idea dr blog Adieha.. siok2 baca blog dia then jumpa 1 benda ni called ACV. heran everyday dia minum ACV tuk apa.. google la cari benefits dia..rupanya tuk Weight Loss..wah!..jadi sy apa lgi... sy p la cari di Supermarket ni barang.. mula2 p cari di Utama Jaya Supermarket...tp x dijual.. hmm.. then p cari di Giant..jumpa ACV brand Bragg..so angkat sja la..at first nmpk harga RM11.29 per bottle..dlm hati, murah pula..so angkat ja la..rupanya smpai kaunter td kena punch harga, RM18.60..hahaha..padan muka..sepa suruh sembarang ja ambil..rupanya, yg RM11.29 tu botol kecil tp sold out sdh.. x pa la.. sdh terambil dan di punch harga, xkan maw kasi balik kan...hahaha... oya, sy ada beli juga Honey a.k.a madu sebagai campuran.sbb ACV ni asam so maw kasi manis2 la skit dgn madu kunun²... angkat ja honey brand Giant..sbb yg lain tu semua mahal2..adoii..bankrup oo..hihihi..

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar with "mother"

Bragg ACV with Giant Honey
Benefits Apple Cider Vinegar:
. Reduce sinus infections and sore throats
. Balance high cholesterol
. Cure skin conditions such as acne
. Protect against food poisoning
. Fight allergies in both humans and animals
. Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
. Strengthen the immune system
. Increase stamina
. Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
. Improve digestion and cure constipation
. Alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
. Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections
. Can guard against Osteoporosis
. Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
. Can relieve Arthritis and Stiffness
. Helps fight Infections
. Supports regularity and promotes digestion
. Can protect the mind from Aging
. Can promote Weight Loss
. May remove artery plaque and Body Toxins
. Helps to kill Germs, Viruses, Molds and Bacteria
and more benefits lagi..you can google it by yourself..(^_^)

so, sy maw cuba2 dulu la ni dlm 1 mggu dulu... sambil2 minum Herbalife sy tu...boleh ka sy buat ni aa?? haha..
actually worry about the taste.. sy ni bukan senang maw terima rasa yg jarang2 masuk p mulut sy ni.. tp xpa.. tidak sedap pun sy telan seja la... untuk kesihatan ba ni...hahaha..

Wish Me Luck... ahaks!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

~My First Book~

ehehehehe... seumur sy..ni la 1st sy beli buku yg bukan utk belajar di skulah ataupun universiti..hahaha.. actually, bukan sy beli...bt kirim sm my fren yg p KL ari tu... she bought this book at MPH Bookstore BB Plaza Branch..hehe... now im reading and learning from the book... wanna know what is the book...???hehehe

Essential TAGALOG Phrase Book..

Saturday, April 16, 2011


wehehehe...suddenly macam maw p buat tattoo pula...the design sdh ada dlm kepala...tggl perlu keberanian and cari pembuat tattoo sja lg..ehehe... tp if my dad knw this..memang hangkang la sy..wakakaka... bcerai berai kali bdn2 sy ni... tp, apa2 pun.. macam besar hati sy maw buat tattoo ni.. 

i was thinking maw buat tattoo di bahagian belakang atas sebelah kiri (area2 bahu)..  ni la contoh2 tattoo yg mgkn sy akan buat... berani ka sy ni aa?? tahan sakit ka sy??hehehe...

A rosary/cross with my name...(^_^)v


hi there.. its been a long time didnt update my blog..ish..maw juga espeaking london..haha..(minta puji) :D

erm..lama sdh ba nda update blog sy ni... sy maw kasitau ba ni..sy FAILED!!! Failed maw kasi siap challenge yg 10 hari seja...bila sdh terstop, malas sdh sy maw sambung...huhu..nda boleh kena harap ba sy ni...so next time kwn2 ku... better jan tagged sy..wakakaka...nda ba..:P

tp apa2pun..sy memang pemalas...wakakaka..:D:D:D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

10 Days Challenge ~ Five Foods ~

10 Days Challenge ~ Five Foods ~

oh no !! kalu dihitung hari sepatutnya sy sdh siap ni challenge...adeh..baru 10 hari punya challenge maw ambil masa 1 bulan..apa lagi kalu challenge yg lagi lama...1tahun kali baru siap..hahaha...bukan apa...cuma kesibukan melanda diri...tu la nda dpt blogging tu..x pa la..pelan² orang bilang..yang penting dilaksanakan tugas..hehehe

baa..FIVE FOODS... nahaaa....ni la ni paling siok.. let's see wat are my favourite² foods..





P/s : Terkumpul air liur sy masa buat ni post..time² lapar lagi...>.< hihihi

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 Days Challenge ~ Four Books ~


oh no....another 1..huhu...I dont read book..reading makes me feel damn sleepy...haiyaaa...can I change the BOOK to MAGAZINE or NOVEL???hehehe.. Can ba kan..kira buku juga tu..hehehe...

okay..the Top 4 of my fav "BOOKS"..(^_^)

a) Remaja Magazines
b) Seventeen Magazine
c) Cleo Magazine
d) Any Novel wrote by Ahadiat Akasha

kuang kuang kuang.. TOTALLY no idea about Books...hihihi...

next post pls....FIVE FOODS...yeah, I like this post!!

10 Days Challenge ~ Three Films ~

Aiyo..this post shud be posted yesterday ba kan..tp x sempat blogging last nite sbb too tired..yesterday was Ash Wednesday so I went to church and went back home around 1030pm..haha..malas maw blog sdh..sampai rumah trus tidur...hihi..so today, I have to blog two posts la ni...hehehe..

okay, lets continue with the post...
hurmm...FILMS..?? haiyaaa....failed oh sy kalu ini...sy bukan jenis kaki wayang..I dont know wat films/movies yg sy minat... I watch movie/films bila sy in a mood sja... aduinah..susah begini ni tau...kita bantai saja la...hahaha

1>> I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY ( Tagalog Movie )
2>> NGAYONG NANDITO KA ( Tagalog Movie )
3>> PANGAKO SAYO (Tagalog Movie )

hahaha..ambik ko! dlm banyak2 cerita..I love to watch tagalog movie.. yg 2nd and 3rd movies tu I just put seja..sbb I cant remember any movie lain yg sy penah tgk..hahaha...but the 1st one tu mmg totally BEST!!..u guys shud watch the movie..hahah

baaa...move to another post.. FOUR BOOKS...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

10 days Challenge ~ Two Songs ~

10 days Challenge < Two Songs >

I love this second challenge.. SONG!! I have lots of favorite songs in my head right now..but since the challenge cuma maw dua saja lagu..then I shud give my most Top 2 favorite song la kan....hihi...

>>> Chris Medina ~ What Are Words <<<
I just really really really love the song lyrics and melody so damn much... Plus, if u watch the video oso in YouTube..oh man, its really touched me...I even cried when I first heard the song. The lyrics was so beautiful and meaningful..You can read the lyrics from my previous post and tell me how you feel.... (^_^)

>>> Repvblik ~ Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu <<<
hehehe...this song is actually my favorite song with my beloved one.. both of us love this song so much. dia penah nynyi this song for me dulu mula2 berkenalan..ahaks(malu la pula)...the song lyrics maybe tdk la sepower lyrics Chris Medina but I chose this song sbb lagu ni ada kenangan bagi sy....(^_^)

so, thats the post for the 2nd Challenge...Next, will be THREE FILMS....

Monday, March 07, 2011

10 days Challenge ~ One Picture of Yourself ~

My Picture..

May 2009 during SABAH FEST

This picture was taken by one of the Photographer that day. I didnt realized at all that he was taking my picture. I copied this from his Facebook..hahaha.. But, thanks to him oso.. Otherwise, I wont have any pictures that wearing my own traditional Lotud costume...

This picture remind me something that I really cannot forget until now..that why I chose this picture to be posted in my blog as 1 of the challenge.....


Next Challenge will be Two Songs.. 

Sunday, March 06, 2011

10 Days Challenge

10 Days Challenge
I've been tagged by my colleague, A-me for this 10 days Challenge.. erm, this is interesting so I've decided to took the challenge..hehe...at least I have something to write in my blog..right..so, here's the Challenge....

Copy this picture above & tag any 10 of your Friends. Good Luck!!

My 10 dearly friends have been tagged!!

Ms. Vampire @ Ridhanie
St.Richie @ Richie Tedy
BeautyFuLLife @ Nik Hazlinda
Being Myself @ Boy Kici
Deja Vu @ Ninie Jane
OwenEvil @ Woll
Diary of Journey @ Bbey
Just-me-Bie @ Phyllicia
Girllyen Life @ Girllyen
benardlaimenmichael @ Benard Laimen

My Dearly friends yg kena tagged, accept the challenge ya!!

Bisuk sy start sy punya challenge..ehehe... Start with the 1st one.. One Picture of Yourself..

Stay Tune......(^_^)